Service charge is misunderstood by customers and the TRONC system used to manage its distribution, in too many restaurants, means all staff being paid minimum wage with service charge collected used to boost salaries of senior staff disproportionally. This underpins a way of paying our staff that we do not support and believe is outdated.
For us, skilled staff should be guaranteed fair wages. We pride ourselves on being a London Living Wage employer and 100% of staff salaries are paid by the company not using tips collected. We believe it is clearer for customers, and better for staff. This means that our staff wages are consistent every month. We don’t believe that the wages of our staff should be subject to the season or the vagaries of how full the restaurant is.
Optional additional tips for exceptional service are welcomed, but not expected. For any optional tips 100% of these are distributed between all staff equally on a monthly basis as a bonus.
We believe hospitality is a great career and that means paying our staff more fairly. For us, this is the first step to a better way of doing business. Service is not included but it’s also not expected. Perilla is a fair wage employer and all staff are all on full time salaried contracts. We feel tips should be discretionary and for exceptional experiences.